Support Services
- 3.2000 Buildings and Grounds Management
- 3.2010 Safety and Emergency Preparedness
- 3.2040 Threat Assessment Team
- 3.2050 Security
- 3.2060 Public Use of Facilities
- 3.2070 Lead in Drinking Water
- 3.2080 Asbestos Management
- 3.2180 Service Animals in School Facilities
- 3.2200 Access to Private Facilities
- 3.3000 Equipment and Supplies Management
- 3.3001 Use of School-Provided CellPhones
- 3.4000 Student Transportation
- 3.4040 Private Vehicles
- 3.5000 Food Service Mangement
- 3.6010 Student Insurance Program
- 3.7000 Residential Program
- Transportation Program
Instructional Services
- 4.1010 Instructional Standards
- 4.2010 Class Size Ratios
- 4.2020 Special Education
- 4.2040 Summer Instructional Programs
- 4.2050 Enrollment in Advanced Courses
- 4.2070 English Learners
- 4.2090 Alternative Credit Options
- 4.2110 Work-Based Learning Program
- 4.2120 Virtual Education Program
- 4.2130 Family Life Education
- 4.2140 Use of Artificial Intelligence Programs
- 4.3010 Interscholastic Athletics
- 4.3020 Field Trips
- 4.4000 Textbooks and Instructional Materials
- 4.4020 Reconsideration of Textbooks
- 4.4030 Library Materials
- 4.4040 Use of Copyrighted Materials
- 4.4060 Use of Internet and Social Media
- 4.4070 School Website
- 4.5010 School Volunteers
- 4.5020 Parent and Family Engagement
- 4.6000 Grading Systems
- 4.6010 Reporting Student Progress
- 4.6030 Promotion and Retention
- 4.6040 Credit for Prior Courses
- 4.6050 Graduation Requirements
- 4.6080 Transcript Alterations
- 4.7000 Maintaining Test Security
- 4.7000 Testing Programs
- 4.8020 Student Equal Access
- 4.8040 Religion and Religious Content
- 5.1060 Application and Employment
- 5.1090 Employee Evaluation
- 5.1100 Compensation Guides and Contracts
- 5.1140 Personnel Records
- 5.1150 Assignment and Transfer
- 5.1151 AWS During Emergencies
- 5.1170 Tenure and Nonrenewal of Teacher Contracts
- 5.1190 Employment of Retirees
- 5.2000 Separation Practices for Tenured Teachers
- 5.2010 Separation Practices for Non-Tenured Teachers
- 5.2020 Separation Practices for Non-Certified Employees
- 5.2030 Recommendation of Employees
- 5.3000 Employee Attendance and Leave
- 5.3010 Family and Medical Leave
- 5.3070 Physical Assault Leave
- 5.4000 Employee Communicable Diseases
- 5.4010 Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
- 5.4020 Hepatitis B (HBV)
- 5.4030 Drug-Free and Tobacco-Free Workplace
- 5.4040 Employee Acceptable Use
- 5.4040 Employee Acceptable Use
- 5.5000 Workplace Discrimination and Harassment
- 5.5010 Employee Grievances and Complaints
- 5.6010 Conflict of Interest
- 5.6050 Staff Gifts and Solicitations
- 5.6070 Non-School Employment
- 5.6080 Utilization of Vehicles and Motorized Equipment
- 5.6110 Personnel Code of Conduct and Teacher Ethics
- 5.7000 Interim Teachers
- 5.7010 Substitute Teachers
- 5.7020 Student Teachers
- 5.8000 Director of Schools
- Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
- Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
- Employee Acceptable Use Agreement
- Employee Use of Network and Internet Resources
- State Run Schools Title IX Training
- 6.2000 Student Attendance
- 6.2011 Pre-K Attendance
- 6.2030 School Admissions
- 6.2090 Child Custody-Parental Access
- 6.3000 Code of Conduct
- 6.3010 Rights and Responsibilities of Students
- 6.3020 Procedural Due Process
- 6.3030 Interrogations and Searches
- 6.3040 Student Discrimination
- 6.3041 Title IX and Sexual Harassment
- 6.3060 Interference Disruption of School Activities
- 6.3070 Drug-Free School
- 6.3080 Bus Safety and Conduct
- 6.3090 Zero Tolerence
- 6.3100 Student Dress Code
- 6.3101 Criminal Gang Activity or Association
- 6.3110 Care of School Property
- 6.3120 Student Use of Personal Communication and Electronic Devices
- 6.3140 Corporal Punishment
- 6.3150 Detention
- 6.3160 Suspension
- 6.3170 Disciplinary Hearing Authority
- 6.3190 Alternative Education
- 6.4000 Promoting Student Welfare
- 6.4010 Student Surveys
- 6.4020 Physical Examinations and Immunizations
- 6.4030 Student Communicable Diseases
- 6.4031 Head Lice
- 6.4040 Student AIDS
- 6.4050 Administration of Medication in a School Setting
- 6.4052 Opioid Antagonist
- 6.4070 School Social Work Services
- 6.4081 Safe Relocation of Students
- 6.4090 Child Abuse and Neglect
- 6.4100 Emergency Contact Information
- 6.4110 Student Wellness
- 6.4120 Emergency Allergy Response Plan
- 6.4130 Prevention and Treatment of Sports-Related Concussions
- 6.4140 Prevention and Treatment of Sudden Cardiac Arrest
- 6.4150 Student Suicide Prevention
- 6.5001 Restraint and Isolation
- 6.5030 Homeless Students
- 6.5040 Migrant Students
- 6.5050 Students in Foster Care
- 6.5060 Students from Military Families
- 6.6000 Student Records
- 6.6040 Media Access to Students
- 6.7020 Student Clubs and Organizations
- 6.7030 Student Government
- 6.7040 Student Publications
- 6.7090 Student Fees and Fines
- 6.8000 Transfer of Rights to Students who Reach the Age of Majority
- Medication Safety Procedures
- Student Responsible Use
- Students from Military Families